A student at Lodi Middle School was found with a pellet gun in his possession on Friday May 14, 2021. Parents in the school district have been unhappy with how the incident was handled.
Around 1:18pm on Friday afternoon, it was reported to the Lodi Police Department that a student attending Lodi Middle School was seen holding a firearm. Lodi Police School Resource Officer Bahr quickly located the student and found a pellet gun within their backpack.
The Police Department stated that their response was swift due to the Resource Officer’s familiarity with the campus. They went on to say, “Please remind your children that no weapons of any kind are allowed on school campus.”
Parents were quick to social media after hearing of a lockdown at the school campus. It was reported by some that Lodi Middle School Staff had told both parents and other staff that the incident was merely a drill. All parents were notified by a call around 2:20pm the same day. The Lodi Unified School District has yet to comment on the occurrence.
A Board of Education Special Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 18, 2021, though the board is not set to talk about the incident. Click here for the LUSD BOA Agenda for May 18, 2021.