KKK “Scarecrow” Found Near Lodi

An eerie-looking white figure was spotted at a grape field near Lodi today.

On Wednesday May 11, 2022, numerous reports were made of a white figure at a grape field around Highway 12 and Ray Rd. Located west of Lodi, California near Michael David Winery. This figure appeared to be a Ku Klux Klansman blowing in the wind.

Deputies from the San Joaquin County Sherriff’s Department responded to calls later the same day. They were informed by ranch workers that these were suits normally used for spraying pesticide, and were used to create a scarecrow to ward off coyotes, which had been a large problem as of late. The property owner claimed there was no ill intent, and removed the scarecrow.

Click here to see the post by the San Joaquin County Sherriff’s Department.

Lodi has a respectable history of growing grapes for wineries, along with a dark history of racism. The responses to the Black Lives Matters protests just two years ago showed that Lodi’s dark history has not been buried and forgotten. Many questioned whether or not this “scarecrow” was truly for coyotes.

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